
  • How the Supreme Court Abolished Article V of the Constitution - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: 9 years ago

    On July 31 at the American Bar Association’s International Human Rights Award Luncheon, former Justice John Paul Stevens declared that, while the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment establishes a right to “gay marriage,” it does not protect an individual’s right to keep and bear arms. In this article, Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon points out the absurdity of such a statement.

  • The Gospel, Marriage, and Sexual Schismatics - Trevin Wax

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Recently, Union University decided to withdraw from the CCCU because no action had yet been taken regarding two Mennonite faith-based colleges that opened the door to same-sex "marriages" among their faculty. Scot McKnight then came out with an article that criticized the redefinition of marriage, but at the same time criticized Union's President for saying that "marriage is at the heart of the Gospel." In this article, Trevin Wax explains that marriage is indeed a gospel issue.

  • Why Gay Marriage Proponents Can’t Appeal to the Abolitionist Movement - Ben Reaoch

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Is supporting biblical marriage the same as supporting American slavery? Doesn't the church have to rethink it's position on "gay marriage," just like it did on slavery? Ben Reaoch provides a brief explanation on how the relationship between American slavery and the Bible is much more complex than that.

  • Court:  Christian Baker Must Provide Wedding Cakes for Same-Sex Couples - Todd Starnes

    Posted: 9 years ago

    A family bakery owned by a Christian cannot refuse to make "wedding" cakes for homosexual couples, the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled Thursday. According to Todd Starnes, "When all is said and done – Jack Phillips does not answer to the Colorado Court of Appeals. He answers to a Higher Power."

  • Christian Colleges Could Lose Tax-Exempt Status over ‘Gay Marriage’ - Tim Brown

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Tim Brown: "OK, the very things that Christians warned of concerning the illegal and unconstitutional ruling regarding sodomy-based 'marriage' is coming to pass. Sadly, it seems [that] even those who oppose such perversion are falling prey to the propaganda. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) asked Internal Revenue Commissioner John Koskinen if he would pledge not to remove tax exempt status from Christian colleges without the authorization of Congress of the courts and the commissioner said that he wouldn't surprise anyone, but give fair warning."

  • Pray That the AL Supreme Court Justices Will Say No to Obergefell - Sanctity of Marriage Alabama

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Sanctity of Marriage Alabama: "Please pray for the justices of the Supreme Court of Alabama - Chief Justice Moore, Justice Stuart, Justice Bolin, Justice Parker, Justice Murdock, Justice Shaw, Justice Main, Justice Wise, and Justice Bryan. They still have the opportunity to say no to the same-sex marriage ruling and their decision should be any day now! They are under a great amount of pressure and tension and we pray that they will have the courage and resolve to do what they know is right. Very few know that this is going on as there has purposefully been almost no mainstream media coverage of this."

  • SCOTUS Marriage Ruling and the Alabama Supreme Court - Hannah Ford and Bob Crittenden

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Take a moment to listen to Hannah Ford of Sanctity of Marriage Alabama and Bob Crittenden of Faith Radio discussing the latest when it comes to the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage and the opportunity currently before the Supreme Court of Alabama to comment on the ruling’s legitimacy in that state.

  • A Response to Julie Rodgers’ Reasons for Changing Her Mind about Homosexuality (2 of 2) - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Rob Gagnon: "Julie has now put her own subjective evaluation of her limited personal experience over the authority of a clear core value in biblical sexual ethics. Our Lord Jesus Himself based his understanding of the essential twoness of the marital bond on the foundation of God’s intentional creation of two primary/complementary sexes for marriage, 'male and female.' Julie now rejects that foundation for sex, which is tantamount to claiming that she knows better than Jesus."

  • What I Knew about Julie Rodgers before She Resigned from Wheaton (1 of 2) - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Rob Gagnon: "I say with lament, not malice, that Julie Rodgers’ defection from orthodox sexual ethics has been in the making for some time. For those reading the warning signs along the way, it was not a great shock to read on July 13 that she no longer believed that homosexual relations were wrong. It was less of a surprise to read that, given that change of mind, she had immediately resigned from her job at Wheaton caring for students with same-sex attractions. All the same, these developments were sad occasion for many of us."

  • State AGs Refuse to File for a Re-Hearing on SCOTUS Decision - MassResistance

    Posted: 9 years ago

    The 25-day deadline for filing a motion for a rehearing before the US Supreme Court on the same-sex “marriage” ruling came and went with no action. All four eligible state Attorneys General (Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee) refused to file for it. And virtually every prominent pro-family group declined to get involved.

  • Reflections on the Supreme Court Decision on Homosexual ‘Marriages’ - Joel Beeke

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Dr. Joel R. Beeke speaks out about the recent Supreme Court ruling and says that it is important for us to remember six things: (1) It is a decision against the Bible, (2) It is an oxymoron, (3) It opens a floodgate of disastrous consequences, (4) It is an unloving decision, (5) It is an audacious decision, and (6) It is a decision that lacks the fear of God.

  • Same-Sex Marriage and Heresy - Ryan T. Anderson

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Here, Ryan Anderson argues that previous generations debated matters of the nature of God and the nature of salvation. Now the critical debate is over personhood and that this is the essence of the same sex "marriage" debate. He states that, "today, the most pressing heresies—the newest challenges for the Church’s teaching and mission—center on the nature of man. The tribulations that marked the twentieth century and continue into the twenty-first—totalitarianism, genocide, abortion, and the sexual ideology that has battered the family and redefined marriage—have sprung from a faulty humanism. I don’t mean to equate each of these human tragedies with the others, but they all spring from faulty anthropology, a misunderstanding of the nature of man."

  • Is Polygamy Next? - William Baude

    Posted: 9 years ago

    William Baude looks at the recent Supreme Court ruling and makes the point that the same arguments used in support of same-sex unions could also be used in support of polygamous unions. He says, "In particular, could the decision presage a constitutional right to plural marriage? If there is no magic power in opposite sexes when it comes to marriage, is there any magic power in the number two?"

  • Two Articles on Homosexuality, the Profaning of Marriage, and the Church - James White

    Posted: 9 years ago

    James White reviews a Karen Swallow Prior article in Christianity Today that claims Christians have been too "homophobic" and "discriminatory." towards the "LGBT community." White then moves on to review an article by Graeme Codrington that is directly, unabashedly promotional of the complete revision of Christian sexual ethics and, therefore, of the gospel itself.

  • ‘Just Who do We Think We Are?’ - Kevin Theriot

    Posted: 9 years ago

    "Just who do we think we are?" Those words were included in Chief Justice Robert's dissent from Obergefell v. Hodges. Kevin Theriot answers this question: "We think we're God." He shows how Americans think this way when it comes to abortion, "sex-change" surgery and no-fault divorce. "The 'American Dream' has come to mean you can be your own god – if you just believe in yourself and work hard."

  • Thoughts after the Profaning of Marriage Day - James White

    Posted: 9 years ago

    In this video, James White gives his take on the recent Supreme Court ruling and explains the proper Christian response.

  • Oregon Silences Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbians - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Rob Gagnon provides commentary on the Sweet Cakes ruling by the State of Oregon. He says, "The cumulative description of distress over a lettered cake that could be obtained at a dozen or more other bakeries, at a time when Oregon didn't even allow 'gay marriage,' is so patently ridiculous as to make a mockery of the judicial system."

  • I Was Wrong - John Eidsmoe

    Posted: 9 years ago

    In this article, John Eidsmoe presents his view of the recent ruling on "gay marriage" by the Supreme Court. He says, "[T]he Court used an illegitimate means to reach an unconstitutional result that allows invalid unions for the perpetration of immoral conduct."

  • Everything Has Changed and Nothing Has Changed - Al Mohler

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Al Mohler comments on the recent Supreme Court on "same-sex marriage." According to Mohler, many things have radically changed in America, yet many things haven't changed: The truth has not changed, the gospel has not changed, and Jesus Christ has not changed.

  • Russell Moore’s ERLC Posts a Flawed ‘Evangelical Declaration on Marriage’ - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Rob Gagnon points out some of his concerns with the recent “Evangelical Declaration on Marriage” entitled “Here We Stand,” posted by Russell Moore's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

  • American Tragedy: Now Gird Up Your Loins - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Today, June 26, 2015, a day of national tragedy, the Supreme Court of the United States rendered what should rank as the worst decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the lifetime of every living American (rivaled only by Roe v. Wade).

  • Gay Marriage: Three Things Your Church Must Do Immediately to Protect Itself - AFA

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Without question, the Supreme Court’s decision to impose homosexual marriage as a constitutional right is disappointing. There was a time when the Court rightly bestowed a great respect for America’s Christian heritage and to the Creator on which the Declaration of Independence was based. Sadly, those time are passed.

  • Tony Campolo Endorses ‘Same-Sex Marriage’ - Voddie Baucham

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Voddie Baucham: Tony Campolo follows his convictions (social justice/cultural marxism) to their logical conclusion and endorses SSM. The die has been cast… the battle joined! Those who continue to ask “why so much attention the THIS issue? need to WAKE UP!

  • Which Way, Evangelicals? There Is Nowhere to Hide - Al Mohler

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Al Mohler: "Every pastor, every church, and every Christian organization will soon be forced to declare an allegiance to the Scriptures and to the Bible’s teachings on marriage and sexual morality, or to affirm loyalty to the sexual revolution...and the moment of decision has arrived."

  • The President Declares Christians to Be Bigots and Enemies of the State - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Once more President Obama proclaims June to be the LGBT Pride Month. Every federal worker and member of the armed forces received a presidential proclamation in their email. It labels all opposition to homosexual behavior as "prejudice," which, in effect, declares all traditional Christians to be bigots.