Breaking News

  • Roy Moore to Stand Trial for Administrative Order

    Source: The Pathway - Posted: 8 years ago

    Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is set to stand trial later this month on charges of overstepping his authority. At issue in Moore’s case is a Jan. 6 administrative order in which he stated Alabama’s 68 probate judges had “a ministerial duty not to issue any marriage licenses contrary to” the orders of the Alabama Supreme Court until the court clarified the relationship between state law and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges. A trial is set for Sept. 28, when a nine-judge panel will decide whether Moore violated judicial ethics and, if so, what penalty to impose.

  • Transgender Controversy Moving to a New Battleground — Homeless Shelters

    Source: The Hill - Posted: 8 years ago

    Homeless shelters have become the latest battleground in the national debate over women's privacy and gender distinction. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is expected in September to finalize regulations that would allow people to stay in homeless shelters based on whatever gender they "identify with." The proposal has set off a firestorm, pitting pro-transgender groups against religious organizations that operate many homeless shelters.

  • University of South Alabama Opens up Women’s Bathrooms to Men

    Source: Yellowhammer News - Posted: 8 years ago

    MOBILE, Ala. — The University of South Alabama (USA) on Monday implemented a campus-wide policy allowing students, faculty and staff to use restroom facilities that align with their “gender identity,” rather than their sex, in compliance with the Obama administration’s transgender bathroom directive. USA faculty and students recently received an email from Krista Harrell, the school’s Title IX coordinator, announcing the decision.

  • Texas Bar Clears AG Paxton for Advice He Gave Following Obergefell

    Source: The Dallas Morning News - Posted: 8 years ago

    Attorney General Ken Paxton has been cleared of wrongdoing for telling county clerks in Texas last year that they could choose not to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples on religious grounds. The State Bar of Texas — responding to a complaint by dozens of attorneys — said last week that it found "no just cause to believe" that Paxton "has committed professional misconduct," according to a notice obtained late Tuesday by the Texas Tribune.

  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Put Open-Bathroom Policy on Hold

    Source: Charlotte Observer - Posted: 8 years ago

    Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) has hit pause on new rules that would have given male students access to girls' bathrooms and locker rooms and vice versa, Superintendent Ann Clark said Thursday. The announcement coincides with a letter-writing campaign launched by the N.C. Values Coalition, which is urging parents to bombard CMS with letters saying the regulations that were announced in June would jeopardize students’ “privacy, safety and dignity.” But Clark says the change is based on a Wednesday Supreme Court ruling, not the protest letters.

  • Ethics Complaint Filed Against SPLC President for Roy Moore Comments

    Source: - Posted: 8 years ago

    A Gadsden attorney recently filed an ethics complaint with the state's bar association against Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, for comments Cohen has made about suspended Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. The Garmons' complaint states that "our Chief Justice as elected by the voters of Alabama deserves the respect, honor and dignity the rules of professional conduct afford notwithstanding any disagreement as to legal positions held by Cohen and the SPLC."

  • Alabamians Planning Another Rally — This Time At Chief Justice Moore’s Trial

    Source: Sanctity of Marriage Alabama - Posted: 8 years ago

    Sanctity of Marriage Alabama is planning another rally in support of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore on September 28th — the very same day that Moore will face the nine-member Court of the Judiciary. Are you free? How about a trip to Montgomery? What better way to spend your time than supporting Chief Justice Roy Moore? He's standing for righteousness and the rule of law — it's our job to make sure he doesn't stand alone. Hope to see you there.

  • Roy Moore Headed to Trial; Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Charges

    Source: - Posted: 8 years ago

    Suspended Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore will go on trial next month on judicial ethics charges after the Alabama Court of the Judiciary late Monday issued an order that denied Moore's request to dismiss the charges. If you want to know why the COJ is taking Moore to trial, here it is in a nutshell: the SPLC doesn't like him. Period.

  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Disregard HB2, Make Bathrooms Gender-Neutral

    Source: - Posted: 8 years ago

    Notwithstanding NC law, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) has decided to let students use whichever bathroom they want. The new CMS policy will go into effect on August 29th. Seriously? Wow. CMS seems pretty determined to make boys and girls share restrooms. Are federal dollars really worth that much?

  • Supreme Court Blocks Female Student from Using Boys’ Restroom

    Source: Los Angeles Times - Posted: 8 years ago

    The Supreme Court intervened for the first time Wednesday in the controversy over bathroom safety and blocked a lower court ruling that would have allowed a female student to use the boys' restroom at her local high school. In an unusual 5-3 order, the justices granted an emergency appeal from a Virginia school board, which said it is fighting to “protect the basic expectations of bodily privacy of Gloucester County students.”

  • NY Gov. Cuomo May Have Broken the Law by Running Anti-HB2 Ad

    Source: Fox News - Posted: 8 years ago

    A former North Carolina Supreme Court Justice has accused New York Gov. Cuomo of violating the Hatch Act, a federal law that prohibits federal, state and local employees from using their official authority to interfere with or influence the outcome of an election or nomination for office. The Justice says Cuomo's HB2 ads mention North Carolina and its leadership in a transparent attempt to criticize, interfere and affect the impending North Carolina elections.

  • Want the Charges Against Roy Moore Dismissed? Then Come Support Him on Aug. 8.

    Source: Sanctity of Marriage Alabama - Posted: 8 years ago

    Chief Justice Moore will face the appointed, nine-member Court of the Judiciary on Monday, August 8th, but thankfully, he won't be there alone. Sanctity of Marriage Alabama, the grassroots organization that has been battling the SPLC and it's phony charges since day 1, have organized a gathering in support of the Chief. If you value liberty, please consider joining them on Monday, August 8th, at 12:30 CDT, at the Alabama Supreme Court building in Montgomery.

  • Alabama Court of the Judiciary Member Recuses Self from Roy Moore Case

    Source: - Posted: 8 years ago

    Notwithstanding support from the populace, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is still suspended. His hearing before the appointed Court of the Judiciary is on August 8th. John Denson, a member of the Court of the Judiciary has recused himself from the case and Mr. Rocky Watson, an attorney from DeKalb County will take his place. The Court of the Judiciary should immediately dismiss these bogus charges.

  • Chief Justice Moore Replies to JIC Charges

    Source: Liberty Counsel - Posted: 8 years ago

    Liberty Counsel and Chief Justice Moore responded yesterday to the baseless case of the appointed Judicial Inquiry Commission. There will be a hearing at the Alabama Supreme Court on August 8th. "The JIC has tried to write a story that does not exist," said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. "Moore never ordered the probate judges to disregard the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage opinion, but that is the slanderous narrative of the JIC. The JIC has no case and never should have filed the baseless charge," said Staver.

  • Alabama Court of the Judiciary Member Recuses Self from Roy Moore Case

    Source: - Posted: 8 years ago

    An attorney who serves on the Alabama Court of the Judiciary on Wednesday said he would not participate in that panel's decisions on whether suspended Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore should be tossed off the bench for a second time. John V. Denson, II, an Opelika attorney who is one of nine attorneys, judges and private citizens who serve on the Court of the Judiciary, stated he wanted to avoid the appearance of impropriety because he is the only member who also served on a previous case before the Court of the Judiciary when it removed Roy Moore the first time from his job as chief justice on Nov. 13, 2003.

  • Dan Forest to NBA: “Take Your Business Elsewhere”

    Source: NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest - Posted: 8 years ago

    On July 21st, NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest released a statement concerning the NBA's decision to relocate the 2017 All-Star Game. "I enjoy the NBA and wanted them to hold the All-Star game in Charlotte but if that game comes with strings attached, strings that would expose women and children to danger, molestation, assault and voyeurism, then no thank you," he said. "Take your business elsewhere, and I have no apologies about saying that and never will."

  • Nickelodeon ‘Makes History’ with Its First ‘Gay Married’ Couple in Kids Cartoon

    Source: LifeSiteNews - Posted: 8 years ago

    Children's cable network Nickelodeon has introduced a "gay married" couple into the lineup during the children's cartoon programming. Owned by Viacom Media Network, Nickelodeon targets children ages 2 to 17. It has already introduced a lesbian couple in the 2014 online finale of The Legend of Korra.

  • NBA Pulls All Star Game from Charlotte. Why? Because of HB2.

    Source: Christian Action League - Posted: 8 years ago

    The National Basketball Association (NBA) announced on July 22nd that it was moving the 2017 All-Star Game away from Charlotte. Commissioner Adam Silver had threatened the state with the possibility shortly after HB2 was passed by the state legislature and signed by the Governor in March. A statement released by the major basketball league read in part that they didn’t believe they could host their “All-Star festivities in Charlotte in the climate created by HB2.”

  • Two Congresswomen Attempting to Ban Same-Sex Attraction Therapy

    Source: Family Policy Institute of Washington - Posted: 8 years ago

    A group of 28 U.S. Representatives and four U.S. Senators, including Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Representative Suzan DelBene (D-WA), have requested that the federal government ban same-sex attraction therapy. In a letter addressed February 10, the Senators said that they “urge the Federal Trade Commission to take decisive action to stop the unfair, deceptive, and fraudulent practice of conversion therapy under the authority provided to your agency in the Federal Trade Commission Act.”

  • Florida Inmate Demands a New Birth Certificate — a Female One

    Source: The News Tribune - Posted: 8 years ago

    A Florida inmate is demanding that the sex on his birth certificate be changed to "female," and his name to "Stacy." Justin Naber is serving a life sentence on a Pasco County conviction for second-degree murder. At the federal courthouse in Fort Pierce, a judge has been asked to declare unconstitutional a Florida law that forbids convicted felons from changing their names.

  • Virginia School Board Takes Transgender Bathroom Case to Supreme Court

    Source: Fox News - Posted: 8 years ago

    The Gloucester County School Board has filed an emergency appeal with Chief Justice John Roberts in an attempt to prevent Gavin Grimm from using the boys bathroom at her local school. Grimm is suing the school board, arguing that it violated federal education discrimination laws by forbidding her from using the boys bathroom. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Grimm in April.

  • 68 Companies Join Brief in House Bill 2 Lawsuit

    Source: The News & Observer - Posted: 8 years ago

    American Airlines, Microsoft and Marriott are among 68 companies that have signed an amicus brief in the lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s House Bill 2. Other companies that signed the brief include: Apple, Bloomberg, Capital One, General Electric, IBM, Nike, Morgan Stanley, PayPal, Dow Chemical and Red Hat. Late Friday, Gov. Pat McCrory’s office issued a statement criticizing the companies’ involvement with the lawsuit.

  • Military Now Accepting Transvestites, CJ Moore Supporters Continue Protest

    Source: Defending Marriage - Posted: 8 years ago

    It's quite possible that the Iowa Civil Rights Commission will start cracking down on pastors for teaching on Genesis 1:27. In D.C., The Pentagon is allowing members of the U.S. military to identify as whichever gender they want. In Virginia, a school district is fighting a federal judge who wants to put a girl in the boys' bathroom. And conservatives in Alabama are still calling for the reinstatement of Chief Justice Roy Moore, who was suspended for getting in the way of anti-marriage activists and a certain anonymous transvestite.

  • Public Wants Charges Against CJ Moore Dismissed, WA School Makes Bathrooms Gender-Neutral

    Source: Defending Marriage - Posted: 8 years ago

    On Monday, the Alabama Court of the Judiciary filed papers stating that members of the court have received an increasing amount of phone calls and emails from members of the public asking that the charges against Chief Justice Moore be dismissed. Meanwhile, on the Washington state front, Snohomish School District recently voted 6-0 to change its policy on how its schools manage student gender identity issues, making all of the institution's locker rooms, showers, changing facilities, and bathrooms gender-neutral.

  • Senate Votes to Require Women to Register for the Draft

    Source: The New York Times - Posted: 8 years ago

    In the latest battle over the role of women in the military, Congress is embroiled in an increasingly intense debate over whether they should have to register for the draft when they turn 18. Last week, the Senate approved an expansive military policy bill that would for the first time require young women to register for the draft. Only six Republicans voted against the bill. The Senate bill will now have to be reconciled in a conference committee with the U.S. House, which passed a different version of the bill that excluded the draft requirement.