The Biblical View

  • Keep the Faith: On Family & Sexuality, Chapter 3: Homosexuality – Kevin Swanson

    Source: Generations - Posted: 6 years ago

    Contemporary Christian music stars are endorsing homosexual marriage. Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans, and Mennonites are ordaining homosexual clergy. After the damage has been done by the false worldviews of humanism, existentialism, feminism, and sexual and gender autonomy, will there be any Christian churches and Christian families still standing? Will anybody stand with the Apostles, the Apostolic Fathers, the Church Fathers, the Reformers, and the church of the ages on the most critical issues of the day? Who will keep the faith, and who will keep the commandments of God? Kevin Swanson takes a look at these questions in chapter 3 of his book, Keep the Faith: On Family & Sexuality.

  • Kentucky Judge Says He Will Not Hear Homosexual Adoption Cases

    Source: The Washington Post - Posted: 7 years ago

    Two years after a Kentucky county clerk stirred national attention for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a family court judge in the same state announced he will no longer hear adoption cases involving "gay parents," calling his stance on the issue "a matter of conscience."

  • The Fall of Bill O’Reilly: A Warning for Us All – Heath Lambert

    Source: Association of Certified Biblical Counselors - Posted: 7 years ago

    "O’Reilly first came to prominence when I was a teenager, and has ruled cable news almost since that time. He was one of the most successful anchors in the history of broadcasting, and wielded enormous influence. Now he will slink off the scene in disgrace. There will be no retirement party. No sentimental retrospectives on his career. No farewell special with a who’s who of political leaders. . . . As Christians observe the pitiful end to all this success we can learn several crucial lessons."

  • Jesus Never Said Anything about Homosexuality? – Voddie Baucham

    Posted: 7 years ago

    In this five-minute video clip taken from a talk entitled, "The Modern Church's Sissified Jesus," Voddie Baucham refutes the claim that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.

  • Roy Moore Announces He Will Run for U.S. Senate

    Source: - Posted: 7 years ago

    Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore plans to run in the upcoming special election for Alabama's seat in the U.S. Senate. Moore made his campaign plans official during a news conference on Wednesday. This comes after Moore's politically-motivated suspension was upheld by the special AL Supreme Court.

  • NC Legislators Sponsor Marriage-Defense Bill, Speaker Says It Will Not Be Heard

    Source: Defending Marriage - Posted: 7 years ago

    North Carolina Representatives Pittman, Speciale, Ford, and Brody have introduced House Bill 780, the “Uphold Historical Marriage Act,” which essentially declares Obergefell unconstitutional and states that North Carolina’s marriage amendment remains in effect. Speaker of the House Tim Moore has promised to make sure the bill dies before it gets to the House floor.

  • NC General Assembly Repeals HB2

    Source: Defending Marriage - Posted: 7 years ago

    Yesterday, the NC House and Senate repealed HB2 and replaced it with a weaker substitute. This came just days after Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore announced that they had reached an agreement with Gov. Roy Cooper on the issue. The repeal bill, House Bill 142, passed 32-16 in the Senate and 70-48 in the House.

  • How Should a Christian Respond to “Gay Marriage”? – Ken Ham

    Source: Answers in Genesis - Posted: about 8 years ago

    In this article, Ken Ham makes the connection between society's growing acceptance of "gay marriage" and it's rejection of God's Word as morally authoritative.

  • Special AL Supreme Court Agrees to Expedite Roy Moore Appeal

    Source: Liberty Counsel - Posted: about 8 years ago

    Chief Justice Roy Moore’s request to cancel oral argument in order to expedite his appeal has been approved by the Special Court. The oral argument in his case was scheduled for April 26, 2017, but that distant date places a great financial hardship on the Chief Justice and his family. Since the case is fully briefed and there is no reason to delay the final ruling, Chief Justice Moore requested that the Special Court cancel oral argument and expedite its decision.

  • Why the Transgender Debate Is About Redefining Reality – Joe Carter

    Source: The Gospel Coalition - Posted: about 8 years ago

    The sexual revolution has so subverted public opinion and Christian-influenced morality that teachings about sex that were previously considered immoral or even unthinkable eventually found their way into the classroom as school policy. But a quicker and more effective route to societal change is to simply reverse the process: force an issue to become school policy and eventually opposition to it will become unthinkable.

  • In a Shift Under Trump, Justice Department Backs off Request to Halt HB2

    Source: The Charlotte Observer - Posted: about 8 years ago

    The Justice Department wrote in a motion recently that it needs time to rethink its 2016 request to halt North Carolina’s HB2. The federal judge responded on Friday with a stay that freezes efforts started by lawyers working under President Barack Obama to block the law with a preliminary injunction.

  • Does Scripture Forbid Same-Sex Relationships? – Rob Gagnon vs Jayne Ozanne

    Source: Premier Christian Radio - Posted: 8 years ago

    Professor Robert Gagnon has become a well-known voice advocating the traditional biblical view on sexuality. In a highly charged show he debates the scriptural issues on sexuality with Jayne Ozanne, the director of Accepting Evangelicals who came out as homosexual in 2015.

  • HB2 “Repeal & Replace Bill” Not A Compromise Or A Solution

    Source: NC Family Policy Council - Posted: 8 years ago

    A bill filed in the N.C. House last week to “repeal and replace” HB2 is neither a compromise nor a viable solution to protect the privacy, safety and dignity of North Carolina citizens. House Bill 186 proposes to repeal HB2, the state’s Public Facilities Privacy and Safety Act, and replace it with a conglomeration of policies that will threaten the privacy, safety and dignity of citizens across North Carolina.

  • 14 Republicans Sign on To HB2-Repeal Bill

    Source: Defending Marriage - Posted: 8 years ago

    14 Republicans in the NC House of Representatives have signed on as sponsors of HB186, a bill that would fully repeal HB2. Do any of them represent you? Then please give them a call, and let them know that backtracking on principle is not what you elected them for.

  • Roy Moore Files Motion to Expedite Case

    Source: Liberty Counsel - Posted: 8 years ago

    Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has filed a Motion to Expedite his appeal with the special Alabama Supreme Court and is willing to waive oral argument to speed up the resolution of his case.

  • Foundation for Moral Law: Texas Should Disregard Obergefell

    Source: Foundation for Moral Law - Posted: 8 years ago

    The Foundation for Moral Law (“Foundation”) has filed an amicus brief with the Texas Supreme Court in Case No. 15-0688, Pidgeon v. Turner. The question before the court is whether Obergefell should be applied narrowly—limited to the issuing of marriage licenses—or broadly, affecting spousal benefits and other incidents of marriage. The Foundation’s amicus brief provides a unique perspective. Arguing that Obergefell is a wholly illegitimate decision with no basis in the Constitution, a pure act of judicial will that usurps the legislative power, the Foundation encourages the justices of the Texas Supreme Court, in fulfillment of their oath to the Constitution, to give it no effect.

  • Trump Administration Decides to Drop Obama Bathroom Mandate

    Source: LifeSiteNews - Posted: 8 years ago

    President Trump is dropping Obama's transgender bathroom mandate, according to the White House spokesman. The matter of handling school bathroom policies for gender-confused students should be left to states, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday.

  • Video: Why Is Homosexuality Wrong? – John Piper

    Source: Desiring God - Posted: 8 years ago

    In this 7-minute video, John Piper does an excellent job of explaining the connection between homosexuality and self-idolatry. He says, "Sexuality is God's idea, and we should learn from God what it is. It's a man and a woman created in beautifully complementary ways so that they form one flesh. And to try to do it another way is a distortion. It's a corruption. It's a dysfunction of the way God made it."

  • How Can Our Church Reach out to the Gay Community? – Kevin DeYoung

    Source: The Gospel Coalition - Posted: 8 years ago

    Kevin DeYoung addresses the often-asked question, "How can our church reach out to the gay community?" He says, "I’m never sure how to answer the question. For starters, I’m no authority on 'reaching the gay community.' Our church has always had men and women in it who struggle with same sex attraction. We have some good stories to tell and some disappointing stories, but experts we certainly are not. The other reason I’m hesitant to answer the question is that it’s one of those questions that can only be answered with more questions."

  • Another Bill Has Been Filed to Repeal HB2, but This Time It’s ‘Bipartisan’

    Source: WBTV.COM - Posted: 8 years ago

    A new bill filed in the NC House of Representatives would fully repeal HB2 and change North Carolina's non-discrimination laws to match those of the federal government. Republican representatives Chuck McGrady and Ted Davis Jr. are listed as sponsors of the bill, along with Democratic representatives Ken Goodman and Marvin W. Lucas. Sorry folks, but being "bipartisan" isn't admirable if it means compromising on principle.

  • WA Supreme Court Rules Against Barronelle Stutzman

    Source: Family Policy Institute of Washington - Posted: 8 years ago

    In a 9-0 decision, the Washington State Supreme Court upheld the punishment of florist Barronelle Stutzman, who was fined last year for declining to participate in a same-sex "wedding" ceremony.

  • WA Supreme Court Rules Against Barronelle Stutzman

    Source: Family Policy Institute of Washington - Posted: 8 years ago

    In a 9-0 decision, the Washington State Supreme Court upheld the punishment of florist Barronelle Stutzman, who was fined last year for declining to participate in a same-sex "wedding" ceremony.

  • What the Gospel Means for the Transgender Debate – Samuel James

    Source: The Gospel Coalition - Posted: 8 years ago

    "Modern gender ideology promises happiness if we’ll just listen to our desires and cast aside any physical hindrance to them. To a fragmented, confused, and lonely generation, such a promise raises high hopes. But the sexual revolution has never fulfilled any of its promises, and it never will. As the church, we can offer the world a true and lasting promise, and a name even better than sons and daughters."

  • Removed for Righteousness Sake. . . Twice – Kevin Swanson Interviews AL Chief Justice Roy Moore

    Source: Generations - Posted: 8 years ago

    He was removed from his post as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. . . twice. In a nation that has rejected God's law, one man has stood against the insanity and the mass rebellion. Chief Justice Roy Moore joins Kevin Swanson on the Generations broadcast, to status his case, to challenge other Christians to faith and courage, and to warn what lies ahead for a nation that has gone astray.

  • NC Governor Calls for Full Repeal of HB2, Lt. Governor and Pro-Family Group Say No

    Source: Defending Marriage - Posted: 8 years ago

    North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper unveiled a proposal to repeal HB2 at a news conference Tuesday morning. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest and the NC Values Coalition have responded to Gov. Cooper, explaining why nothing good can be expected from his so-called "compromise" proposal.