The Biblical View

  • Demythologizing Scholarship: James Brownson Examined - James White (Video)

    Source: Alpha & Omega Ministries - Posted: 8 years ago

    In this video, Dr. James White begins his response to James Brownson on Romans 1 and homosexuality. Dr. White emphasizes how important it is to recognize when scholars are twisting and turning the data to allow them to get to their desired conclusions. This program is vitally important for all of those who are seeking to give a consistent and God-honoring response to the “gay Christian” movement.

  • On Abusive Responses to My Work on the Bible and Homosexuality - Rob Gagnon

    Posted: about 9 years ago

    Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon responds to abusive comments leveled against him by Don M. Burrows and Jean-Fabrice Nardelli, because of his support for Scripture's prohibition of homosexual practice. He says, "Get your smelling salts out: I disagree with homosexualist advocates and agree with Paul and, for that matter, Jesus and the rest of Scripture."