
  • Irish Bakery Discrimination Case to Be Decided Tomorrow

    Source: London Evening Standard - Posted: 9 years ago

    The lawsuit against Asher's Bakery over it's refusal to make a pro-"gay marriage" cake will be decided tomorrow. "It's been a difficult and exhausting time for us as a family but God has been faithful to us and he's given us the strength to deal with this," said Daniel McArthur, who owns the bakery along with his wife Amy.

  • GoFundMe Removes Christian Grandma-Florist’s Fundraising Page

    Source: Christian Post - Posted: 9 years ago

    GoFundMe, an online fundraising website, has taken down the donation webpage for 70-year-old Christian grandma-florist Barronelle Stutzman, who is at risk of losing her flower shop and life savings after she declined to provide flowers for a "same-sex wedding" because of her Christian beliefs.

  • Christian Print Shop Wins Discrimination Case

    Source: The Christian Post - Posted: 9 years ago

    A Kentucky court has ruled Lexington printer Blaine Adamson has a constitutional right to decline to print messages that conflict with his Christian beliefs, and that he isn’t guilty of discrimination for refusing to print pro-homosexual T-shirts in 2012. “It is their constitutional right to hold dearly and to not be compelled to be part of an advocacy message opposed to their sincerely held Christian beliefs,” Judge James Ishmael wrote in a decision released Monday.

  • Christian Couple Fined $135,000 for Not Baking Lesbian ‘Wedding’ Cake, GoFundMe Shuts Down Support

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Aaron and Melissa Klein, former owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa are facing a possible $135,000 fine for deciding not to bake a "wedding" cake for a lesbian couple. A GoFundMe campaign was started in their support but was afterwards shut down by the company because it "violated the terms of service."

  • Colorado Double Standard:  Bakers Should Not Be Forced to Make ‘Anti-Gay’ Cakes

    Source: Fox News - Posted: 9 years ago

    Bill Jack, of Castle Rock, Colorado, is making national headlines over an experiment he conducted in the wake of attacks on Christian business owners who refuse to provide services for same-sex "marriages." Last year, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled that the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood unlawfully discriminated against a same-sex couple who wanted a wedding cake. Jack Phillips, the owner of the cake shop, is a devout Christian, and his attorneys argued that to force him to participate in the same-sex "wedding" would violate his religious beliefs. The Civil Rights Commission saw it differently.

  • Irish Bakery Sued over Refusal to Make ‘Same-Sex Marriage’ Cake

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Counsel for gay rights activist Gareth Lee is suing Asher's Bakery for declining to bake a cake depicting Sesame Street puppets Bert and Ernie below the slogan "Support Gay Marriage". Lee is backed by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.

  • Donations for Washington Florist Surpass $100K

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Donations for Barronelle Stutzman, the florist who was fined for refusing to provide flowers for a sodomite wedding, have now topped $102,000. The gofundme page states that any and all money raised for Stutzman "will be held until the legal challenge has been resolved and the full extent of the need is assessed."

  • Persecuted Washington Florist Receives $85K in Donations

    Posted: 9 years ago

    Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman, who was recently fined $1,000 for declining to provide flowers for a sodomite wedding, has now received more than $85,000 in donations from a GoFundMe campaign that was set up by her supporters last February.

  • Indiana Pizza Place Faces Social Media Heat over Gay Wedding Comments

    Posted: about 10 years ago

    A small-town, family-owned pizza restaurant in Indiana has aroused social media outrage after telling a local TV station it would support the state's recently passed religion law by refusing to cater gay weddings.

  • Judge Fines Richland Florist Over Same-Sex Wedding Flowers

    Posted: about 10 years ago

    A Washington state florist who refused to provide flowers for a same-sex wedding was fined $1,000 Friday, plus $1 for court costs and fees. Judge Alexander Ekstrom’s ruling gives Barronelle Stutzman 60 days to pay the state for her refusal to serve Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed when they sought to buy wedding flowers in 2013.

  • Street Preacher Guilty of Using ‘Threatening’ Language by Quoting Leviticus

    Posted: about 10 years ago

    A Christian street preacher was today found guilty of using “threatening” language by quoting the Bible when speaking about homosexuality on the streets of Taunton in June last year.

  • Kentucky Commission Orders Christian Printer to Make Pro-Homosexual T-Shirts

    Source: The Daily Caller - Posted: 10 years ago

    The head of a Kentucky human rights commission ruled last week that a Christian printer’s refusal to print "gay pride" T-shirts “constitutes unlawful discrimination,” and ordered the company to attend “diversity training.” The order, which must be approved by the whole commission before it can be enforced, also requires the company to stop discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation.

  • Mozilla Ceo Resigns Due to His Support for Real Marriage

    Source: Reuters - Posted: about 11 years ago

    Mozilla Chief Executive Brendan Eich has stepped down, the company said on Thursday, after an online dating service urged a boycott of the company's web browser. The stir was over a donation Eich had made to supporters of traditional marriage. In 2008, Eich donated $1,000 in support of California's Proposition 8, which banned "gay marriage" in the state until it was struck down by the Supreme Court in June.

  • Couple Threatened With Punishment for Not Embracing Same-Sex “Marriage”

    Source: Christian Post - Posted: 11 years ago

    A Mennonite couple that owns an art gallery in Iowa has filed suit against the state's Civil Rights Commission over being threatened with punitive action for refusing to host a same-sex "wedding" on their property.

  • College Employee Fired for Saying Homosexuality Is Not a Civil Right

    Source: The Christian Post - Posted: 11 years ago

    A University of Toledo employee has been fired for a letter she wrote objecting to a local newspaper's editorial that compared the efforts of homosexual activists to the black civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s. Alliance Defending Freedom and the Pacific Justice Institute announced Monday that they have filed a brief asking the US Supreme Court to review the case of Crystal Dixon, who works in the school's Human Resources department.

  • Texas School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality

    Source: Fox News - Posted: 13 years ago

    An honors student in Fort Worth, Texas, was sent to the principal’s office and punished for telling a classmate that he believes homosexuality is wrong. Dakota Ary was in a German class at the high school when the conversation shifted to religion and homosexuality in Germany. At some point during the conversation, he turned to a friend and said that he was a Christian and “being a homosexual is wrong.” Dakota later told Fox News, “It wasn’t directed to anyone except my friend who was sitting behind me. I guess [the teacher] heard me. He started yelling. He told me he was going to write me an infraction and send me to the office.”

  • Florida Teacher Suspended for Anti-‘Gay Marriage’ Posts on Personal Facebook Page

    Source: Fox News - Posted: 13 years ago

    A former “Teacher of the Year” in Mount Dora, Florida has been suspended and could lose his job after he voiced his objection to "gay marriage" on his personal Facebook page. Jerry Buell, a veteran American history teacher at Mount Dora High School, was removed from his teaching duties this week as school officials in Lake County investigate allegations that what he posted was biased towards homosexuals.