The Biblical View

  • Leviticus 18 Expounded - James White (Sermon)

    Source: - Posted: 9 years ago

    In this sermon, Dr. James White does an excellent job of expounding the sexual prohibitions in Leviticus 18, and and explaining how they relate to us today.

  • Texas Schools to Use Birth Certificates to Determine Athletes’ Gender

    Source: abc News - Posted: 9 years ago

    Public school superintendents in Texas voted 586-32 in a January referendum to adopt a new rule requiring schools to use birth certificates to determine the gender of prospective student-athletes in school sports. The new rule reads: "Gender shall be determined based on a student's birth certificate. In cases where a student's birth certificate is unavailable, other similar government documents used for the purpose of identification may be submitted."

  • UK Student Expelled for Opposing ‘Gay Marriage’

    Source: The Telegraph - Posted: 9 years ago

    A Christian postgraduate student in the UK has been expelled from Sheffield University for voicing opposition to "gay marriage." In a Facebook discussion, Felix Ngole expressed support for Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, quoting a verse from Leviticus which calls homosexuality an abomination. Two months later, a university panel concluded that Ngole's comment "may have caused offence to some individuals" and decided to expel him.

  • UK Student Expelled for Opposing ‘Gay Marriage’

    Source: The Telegraph - Posted: 9 years ago

    A Christian postgraduate student in the UK has been expelled from Sheffield University for voicing opposition to "gay marriage." In a Facebook discussion, Felix Ngole expressed support for Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, quoting a verse from Leviticus which calls homosexuality an abomination. Two months later, a university panel concluded that Ngole's comment "may have caused offence to some individuals" and decided to expel him.

  • Utah Law Favoring Married Couples in Adoptions to Stay on Books

    Source: KUTV - Posted: 9 years ago

    Utah lawmakers have rejected an effort to strike parts of state law requiring officials to give preference to married couples in adoptions and foster care placements. Salt Lake City Democratic Rep. Angela Romero sponsors the bill and says changing language such as "man" and "wife" to gender-neutral terms like "spouse," brings Utah in line with the Supreme Court's Obergefell ruling and prevents lawsuits. The committee voted 5-5 Wednesday morning to keep the bill from advancing, though it could be revived later.

  • Texas Bakers Face Threats After Declining to Bake ‘Gay Wedding’ Cake

    Source: Todd Starnes - Posted: 9 years ago

    A small town bakery owned by a Edie and David Delorme is receiving threats after declining to bake a "wedding" cake for a same-sex couple. On Feb. 17th, Ben Valencia and Luis Marmolejo requested the bakers make a cake for their upcoming "wedding." When their order was turned down, the two men went public — accusing the Delorme family of discrimination. So far, no formal charges or complaints have been filed against the bakery owners.

  • Texas Bakers Face Threats After Declining to Bake ‘Gay Wedding’ Cake

    Source: Todd Starnes - Posted: 9 years ago

    A small town bakery owned by a Edie and David Delorme is receiving threats after declining to bake a "wedding" cake for a same-sex couple. On Feb. 17th, Ben Valencia and Luis Marmolejo requested the bakers make a cake for their upcoming "wedding." When their order was turned down, the two men went public — accusing the Delorme family of discrimination. So far, no formal charges or complaints have been filed against the bakery owners.

  • Governor John Kasich’s Completely Unacceptable Remarks About Religious Liberty — Denny Burk

    Source: - Posted: 9 years ago

    Recently, Governor John Kasich made some very disturbing comments on same-sex "marriage" and religious liberty. "If you’re a cupcake maker and somebody wants a cupcake, make them a cupcake," he said. "Let’s not have a big lawsuit or argument over all this stuff — move on." Denny Burk responds: "Either Kasich doesn’t understand the religious liberty issues at stake in these cases, or he is intentionally building a straw man against rights of conscience. In either case, his remarks would be disqualifying not just for Christian voters but for anyone who cares about religious liberty."

  • New Jersey School District Considering Transgender Bathroom Policy

    Source: Asbury Park Press - Posted: 9 years ago

    A New Jersey school district is considering a new bathroom policy, one that would allow transgender students to use the restroom of the opposite sex. The Toms River Board of Education was prepared to pass the new transgender-approving policy, but a pastor began an online petition drive to stop the proposal. The school board has now "tabled" the policy for further consideration.

  • Charlotte Bathroom Ordinance Draws State Opposition

    Source: Reuters - Posted: 9 years ago

    NC Speaker of the House Tim Moore vowed on Tuesday to correct the "radical course" taken by leaders in Charlotte, the state's largest city, after they voted Monday to allow transgender people to use public bathrooms reserved for the opposite sex. "The Charlotte City Council has gone against all common sense and has created a major public safety issue by opening all bathrooms and changing rooms to the general public,” Moore said in a statement.

  • The Secularization of the West and the Rise of a New Morality — Al Mohler

    Source: - Posted: 9 years ago

    In this article, Dr. Albert Mohler continues to write on the secular worldview that caused the modern sexual revolution. He says, "The new sexual morality did not emerge from a vacuum. Massive intellectual changes at the worldview level over the last 200 years set the stage for the revolution in which we currently find ourselves."

  • Defense of Marriage Resolution Fails to Pass in Washington County, Tennessee

    Source: WCYB - Posted: 9 years ago

    Monday night, the Washington County Commission in Tennessee discussed a resolution asking the state to stand up to the Supreme Court on the definition of marriage. This was the commission’s second attempt at discussing the resolution. Nearly 800 people attended the meeting, with at least 57 signing up for pubic comment. The meeting lasted for more than 6 hours. The resolution, requiring 13 "yes" votes to pass, failed with 12 commissioners voting yes and 11 voting no.

  • Governor Says Changes in Works on Religious Exemptions Bill

    Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Posted: 9 years ago

    Georgia's governor indicated Monday that changes are coming to a bill allowing faith-based organizations to refuse service to gay couples without repercussion. Supporters say it's intended to prevent religious adoption agencies, schools and other organizations from losing licenses, state grants, or other government benefits for their religious beliefs about same-sex marriage. Gov. Nathan Deal said his office is working with legislative leaders and declined to say whether he supports the current version of the bill.

  • Kentucky Senate Approves Bill Creating Separate Marriage License Forms

    Source: Fox News - Posted: 9 years ago

    Kentucky's state Senate approved a bill Thursday that creates different marriage license forms for homosexual and married couples. The primary purpose of the legislation was to remove the names of county clerks from marriage licenses, a response to the controversy surrounding Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis and her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

  • The Bible’s Surprisingly Consistent Message on a Male-Female Requirement for Marriage - Rob Gagnon

    Source: - Posted: 9 years ago

    Rob Gagnon refutes arguments made by Jennifer Wright Knust, who claims that Christians can’t appeal to the Bible to justify opposition to homosexual practice, because the Bible provides no clear witness on the subject and is too flawed to serve as a moral guide.

  • Utah Bill: State Should Ignore SCOTUS Marriage Ruling

    Source: The Salt Lake Tribune - Posted: 9 years ago

    A bill introduced to the Utah House of Representatives would emphasize Utah's constitutional right to make marriage laws,in response to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling purporting to redefine marriage nationwide. Sponsored by Rep. LaVar Christensen, R-Draper, HB393 — which is titled "Sovereign Marriage Authority" — says the state "holds and reserves the sovereign right to decide all matters constituting and relating to its domestic relations laws and public policies."

  • Complaints Filed Against AL Supreme Court for Delay in Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Case

    Source: Barbour County Tea Party - Posted: 9 years ago

    Barbour County Tea Party president, Dr. Terry Batton, filed complaints Thursday against the justices of the Alabama Supreme Court on behalf of six Alabama conservative groups in light of the Court’s over seven month silence on a pending case. The Alabama Supreme Court has a case before them asking them to consider how Obergefell v. Hodges (the SCOTUS marriage opinion) should affect Alabama.

  • Family Policy Institute of Washington Releases Video Challenging ‘Gender Identity’

    Source: TheBlaze - Posted: 9 years ago

    The Family Policy Institute of Washington has released its newest video, entitled "Truth is Compassion." The video was picked up and editorialized by Glenn Beck’s media giant TheBlaze over the weekend, pushing it into national spotlight as several states grapple with issues relating to transgender bathroom/locker room policies. The video challenges the view that an individual's self-proclaimed identity is sovereign over reality.

  • Kasich on Obergefell: ‘The Court Has Spoken. That’s the End of It.’

    Source: NBC News - Posted: 9 years ago

    While campaigning in Michigan, Ohio Gov. John Kasich was asked by a student what his response to the Obergefell ruling would be as president. "So the Supreme Court upheld marriage equality," the student said. "Does that mean you would go out of your way to protect that right?" "Look, we're not changing any laws," Kasich replied. "The court has spoken. That's the end of it."

  • Alabama’s Elected Officials Should Stand on the Law; Say No to SCOTUS Marriage Opinion — Hannah Ford

    Source: Montgomery Advertiser - Posted: 9 years ago

    Hannah Ford responds to columnist Vanzetta McPherson, who recently labeled Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore an "actor," and his latest order, "lunacy." "This is no 'movie,'" Ford says. "This is a battle for the soul of this nation. Right and wrong, truth and falsehood, the rule of law and a destructive political agenda. They war against each other and much is at stake."

  • Proposal to Remove Florida’s Marriage Amendment Fails to Gain Traction

    Source: - Posted: 9 years ago

    It's been more than a year since a federal judge purported to redefine marriage in Florida, but the state constitution still recognizes marriage as between one man and one woman, and a proposal to change it seems unlikely to gain traction this year. Also viewed as unlikely to pass is a measure that would change Florida birth certificates to include same-sex "parents."

  • A Giant has Fallen — The Death of Justice Antonin Scalia — Al Mohler

    Source: - Posted: 9 years ago

    In this article Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. writes on Antonin Scalia's service as a Supreme Court Justice and the effect that his death will have on constitutional government in America. He says, "Antonin Scalia is almost surely the most influential justice to sit on the Supreme Court in many decades. The loss of his influence, as well as his his crucial vote, is monumental."

  • Georgia to Pay $250K to Former Transgender Inmate

    Source: abc News - Posted: 9 years ago

    The state of Georgia has agreed to pay $250,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a former inmate whose case drew the attention of the Justice Department after he complained prison officials didn't provide adequate treatment for his "gender identity" condition. Despite identifying as a "woman," Ashley Diamond (a male) was refused hormone therapy for three years. The state has also implemented a new policy on how to deal with inmates that may be experiencing "gender dysphoria."

  • Antonin Scalia, Justice on the Supreme Court, Dies at 79

    Source: The New York Times - Posted: 9 years ago

    Justice Antonin Scalia, whose transformative legal theories, vivid writing and outsize personality made him a leader of a conservative intellectual renaissance in his three decades on the Supreme Court, was found dead on Saturday at a resort in West Texas. He was 79. Known for his originalist method of interpreting the U.S. Constitution, Justice Scalia was a strong dissenter in the Obergefell v. Hodges case.

  • Calif. Parents, Transgender Activists Fight over Bathroom Access

    Source: LifeSiteNews - Posted: 9 years ago

    A state law allowing students to use the locker room of the opposite sex is causing concern at a California high school. Recently, Holly Franz spoke to Poway Unified School District board members on behalf of her son and “so many students” who, the mother says, have contacted her about a female student who has been using the male locker room. On the other side of the discussion were transgender activists and a petition with 1,200 signatures urging the district to not make changes to its current practices.