• Quotes from the GOP Candidates on the Marriage Battle

    Defending Marriage Staff - October 14, 2015

    Of all the issues that are subject to debate in the political sphere, few are as important as the definition of marriage. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court purported to redefine marriage for all of the United States, commanding them to define same-sex unions as “marriages.” This nation is on a road to expanding the definition of marriage to encompass anything and everything—in an attempt to nullify and destroy it. Who’s willing to stand up and fight to protect real marriage? Who’s willing to make this a hill to die on? Who’s willing to lead Americans back to Genesis 1:27—“Male and female He created them?”

    Here are some telling quotes from the GOP presidential candidates on the marriage battle. Hopefully, this article will help give Americans a gage on where the various candidates stand (at least verbally).

    Jeb Bush


    The public policy question is whether homosexuals deserve special legal protection from otherwise legal, private acts of discrimination, which protections are not available to smokers, drinkers, children, redheads, Midwesterners, Democrats, veterans, nudists, etc. Or, to put it another way, should sodomy be elevated to the same constitutional status as race and religion? My answer is No. We have enough special categories, enough victims, without creating even more.1

    March 2013 (On whether marriage is a federal or state issue)

    I would prefer it to be a state-by-state issue. That’s how we have dealt with a lot of issues in the United States.2

    January 2015

    We live in a democracy, and regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law. I hope that we can also show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue – including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty.3

    January 2015

    Previously, I opposed gay adoption, but it has since become the law in our state and I respect that decision.4

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    Guided by my faith, I believe in traditional marriage. I believe the Supreme Court should have allowed the states to make this decision. I also believe that we should love our neighbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views should be able to live side by side. It is now crucial that as a country we protect religious freedom and the right of conscience and also not discriminate.5

    Dr. Ben Carson

    March 2015

    I support human rights and Constitutional protections for gay people, and I have done so for many years. I support civil unions for gay couples, and I have done so for many years. I support the right of individual states to sanction gay marriage, and I support the right of individual states to deny gay marriage in their respective jurisdictions.

    I also think that marriage is a religious institution. Religious marriage is an oath before God and congregation. Religious marriage must only be governed by the church. Judges and government must not be allowed to restrict religious beliefs.6

    May 2015

    The black Atlanta fire chief who was fired from his job for upholding biblical teachings on sex and marriage was definitely discriminated against. I believe such situations should be vigorously protested and resisted. If the Supreme Court or other federal courts try to redefine marriage, the President of the United States is not required to enforce such a law because it would not have come through the proper channels, which is the legislative branch.7

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    While I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, their ruling is now the law of the land. I call on Congress to make sure deeply held religious views are respected and protected. The government must never force Christians to violate their religious beliefs.

    I support same sex civil unions but to me, and millions like me, marriage is a religious service not a government form.8

    Governor Chris Christie

    October 2014 (On whether the “gay marriage” issue should be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court)

    I do not believe that this is something that should be imposed from the United States Supreme Court down to the states.9

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    I don’t agree with the way it’s been done, but I take an oath, and the same way I’ve supported and enforced the law here in New Jersey since our Supreme Court made their 7-0 decision on same-sex marriage, and I’ve supported and endorsed that law. I would have to do the same across the country. But I want to be clear — I don’t agree with the way it was done, but it’s been done, and those of us who take an oath have a responsibility to abide by that oath.10

    Senator Ted Cruz

    November 2013

    I support marriage between one man and one woman. But I also think it’s a question for the states. Some states have made decisions one way on gay marriage. Some states have made decisions the other way. And that’s the great thing about our Constitution, is different states can make different decisions depending on the values of their citizens.11

    October 2014

    Nothing in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the 14th Amendment or any other constitutional provision authorizes judges to redefine marriage for the Nation. It is for the elected representatives of the People to make the laws of marriage, acting on the basis of their own constitutional authority, and protecting it, if necessary, from usurpation by the courts.12

    October 2014

    Traditional marriage is an institution whose integrity and vitality are critical to the health of any society. We should remain faithful to our moral heritage and never hesitate to defend it.13

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    Those who are not parties to the suit are not bound by it.14

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    [O]n a great many issues, others have largely acquiesced, even if they were not parties to the case, but there’s no legal obligation to acquiesce to anything other than a court judgement.15

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    This week, we have twice seen Supreme Court justices violating their judicial oaths. Yesterday, the justices rewrote Obamacare, yet again, in order to force this failed law on the American people. Today, the Court doubled down with a 5–4 opinion that undermines not just the definition of marriage, but the very foundations of our representative form of government.

    Both decisions were judicial activism, plain and simple. Both were lawless.16

    Carly Fiorina

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    I do not agree that the Court can or should redefine marriage. I believe that responsibility should have remained with states and voters where this conversation has continued in churches, town halls and living rooms around the country.17

    Lindsey Graham

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    I am a proud defender of traditional marriage and believe the people of each state should have the right to determine their marriage laws. However, the Supreme Court has ruled that state bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional, and I will respect the Court’s decision.

    Furthermore, given the quickly changing tide of public opinion on this issue, I do not believe that an attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution could possibly gain the support of three-fourths of the states or a supermajority in the U.S. Congress.

    Rather than pursing a divisive effort that would be doomed to fail, I am committing myself to ensuring the protection of religious liberties of all Americans. No person of faith should ever be forced by the federal government to take action that goes against his or her conscience or the tenets of their religion.

    As president, I would staunchly defend religious liberty in this nation and would devote the necessary federal resources to the protection of all Americans from any effort to hinder the free and full exercise of their rights. While we have differences, it is time for us to move forward together respectfully and as one people.18

    Mike Huckabee

    April 2014

    I’m not a hater. I’m not homophobic. I honestly don’t care what people do personally in their individual lives. But I tell you the reason when people say, why don’t you just kind of get on the right side of history? I said, you’ve got to understand, this for me is not about the right side or wrong side of history. This is the right side of the Bible.19

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    I don’t think a lot of pastors and Christian schools are going to have a choice. They either are going to follow God, their conscience, and what they truly believe is what the Scripture teaches them or they will follow civil law.

    They will go the path of Dr. Martin Luther King, who in his brilliant essay the letters from a Birmingham jail reminded us, based on what St. Augustine said, that an unjust law is no law at all. And I do think that we’re going to see a lot of pastors who will have to make this tough decision.

    This case wasn’t so much about a matter of marriage equality, it was marriage redefinition.

    And I think people have to say, ‘If you’re going to have a new celebration that we’re not going to discriminate [against], may I ask, are we going to now discriminate against people of conscience, people of faith who may disagree with this ruling?20

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    I’m not sure that every governor and every attorney general should just say, ‘Well, it’s the law of the land,’ because there’s no enabling legislation.21

    September 2015 (When asked how he would protect people like Kim Davis as president)

    Well, first of all I would make sure that we recognize that the law and the Constitution is explicit on the First Amendment guarantee of religious liberty. There is nothing in the Constitution whatsoever that gives the federal government jurisdiction over marriage, and that was one of the points that the dissenting justices made. The majority had to come up with this whole idea of the federal oversight of marriage out of thin air. There’s nothing in the law, nothing in the Constitution. We’ve got a federal government that is out of control.22

    Governor Bobby Jindal

    October 2014

    I know there are folks that are changing their position on this. I know former Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton, President Obama, have changed their positions on this. I know you can certainly see where opinion polls it appears a lot of folks have changed their positions on this. I’m not a weather vane on this issue and I’m not going to change my position. I continue to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.23

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    The Su­preme Court de­cision today con­veni­ently and not sur­pris­ingly fol­lows pub­lic-opin­ion polls, and tramples on states’ rights that were once pro­tec­ted by the 10th Amend­ment of the Con­sti­tu­tion. Mar­riage between a man and a wo­man was es­tab­lished by God, and no earthly court can al­ter that.

    This de­cision will pave the way for an all-out as­sault against the re­li­gious-free­dom rights of Chris­ti­ans who dis­agree with this de­cision,” he con­tin­ued. “The gov­ern­ment should not force those who have sin­cerely held re­li­gious be­liefs about mar­riage to par­ti­cip­ate in these ce­re­mon­ies.24

    June 2015 (When asked whether his state would abide by the Supreme Court opinion)

    We don’t have a choice. Our agencies will comply with the court order.25

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    I think it is wrong for the federal government to force Christian individuals, businesses, pastors, churches to participate in wedding ceremonies that violate our sincerely held religious beliefs. We have to stand up and fight for religious liberty. That’s where this fight is going. The left wants to silence us. Hillary Clinton wants to silence us. We’re not going away.26

    June 2015 (Following the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    My views on marriage aren’t evolving with the polls. I can read polls just like the president can. It’s based on my faith. I think it should remain between a man and a woman.27

    Governor John Kasich

    March 2015

    Here’s the way I look at faith. There are a lot of don’ts, but there are a lot more do’s. Humility. Empathy. Love your neighbor as yourself. I choose to focus on the good lessons before I start worrying about who’s married to whom.28

    June 2015 (Prior to the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    If the Supreme Court rules another way, they are the court and the law of the land, and we will abide by it.29

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    I’ve al­ways felt that mar­riage is, you know, one of these tra­di­tions between a man and a wo­man, but the Court has spoken. And I’ve said all along that when the Court makes a de­cision, we abide by the law of the land. And they made their de­term­in­a­tion and just move on. It doesn’t mean I’m not dis­ap­poin­ted, I am, but the de­cision has been made.30

    Senator Rand Paul

    October 2009

    I think marriage should be taken care of at the state level.31

    March 2013 (When asked whether the Supreme Court should strike down the Defense of Marriage Act)

    You know, I think it’s a really complicated issue. I’ve always said that the states have a right to decide. I do believe in traditional marriage, Kentucky has decided it, and I don’t think the federal government should tell us otherwise. There are states that have decided in the opposite fashion, and I don’t think the federal government should tell anybody or any state government how they should decide this. Marriage has been a state issue for hundreds and hundreds of years.

    DOMA is complicated, though, because DOMA does provide protection for the states from the federal government. But, then, you’re right, part of it federalizes the issue.

    I think there’s a chance the court could strike down the federalization part of it. If they do, I think the way to fix it is maybe to try to make all of our laws more neutral towards the issue, and, I don’t want the government promoting something I don’t believe in. But I also don’t mind if the government tries to be neutral on the issue. You know, the tax code, I’m for a flat income tax and we wouldn’t have marriage as part of the tax code. Health insurance, I think there is a way to write it where it would be neutral and you wouldn’t bring marriage into the whole idea of health insurance.32

    March 2014

    I think that the Republican Party, in order to get bigger, will have to agree to disagree on social issues. The Republican Party is not going to give up on having quite a few people who do believe in traditional marriage. But the Republican Party also has to find a place for young people and others who don’t want to be festooned by those issues.33

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    While I disagree with Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, I believe that all Americans have the right to contract.

    The Constitution is silent on the question of marriage because marriage has always been a local issue. Our founding fathers went to the local courthouse to be married, not to Washington, D.C.34

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    The 14th Amendment does not command the government endorsement that is conveyed by the word “marriage.” State legislatures are entitled to express their preference for traditional marriage, so long as the equal rights of same-sex couples are protected.35

    Senator Marco Rubio

    July 2014

    There is a growing intolerance on this issue, intolerance of those who continue to support traditional marriage. Even before this speech is over, I’ll be attacked as a hater or bigot. Or someone who’s anti-gay. This intolerance in the name of tolerance is hypocrisy. Supporting the definition of marriage as one man and one woman, is not anti-gay. It is pro-traditional marriage.36

    July 2014

    States have always regulated marriage in America. State legislatures have a right, a constitutional right to change those regulations. But that right to define and regulate marriage is a two-way street. Americans like myself who support keeping the traditional definition of marriage also have a right to work to keep traditional definition of marriage in our laws without seeing them overturned by a judge.37

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    While I disagree with this decision, we live in a republic and must abide by the law. As we look ahead, it must be a priority of the next president to nominate judges and justices committed to applying the Constitution as written and originally understood.38

    Rick Santorum

    May 2015 (On Bruce Jenner’s “transition” from a man to a “woman”)

    If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman. My responsibility as a human being is to love and accept everybody. Not to criticize people for who they are. I can criticize, and I do, for what people do, for their behavior. But as far as for who they are, you have to respect everybody, and these are obviously complex issues for businesses, for society, and I think we have to look at it in a way that is compassionate and respectful of everybody.39

    June 2015 (Following the release of the Obergefell v. Hodges opinion)

    Today, five unelected justices decided to redefine the foundational unit that binds together our society without public debate or input. Now is the people’s opportunity respond because the future of the institution of marriage is too important to not have a public debate.40

    September 2015

    Because the Supreme Court says something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the law of the land. My belief is that when the Supreme Court acts beyond their constitutional authority, then we have every obligation to fight that.41

    September 2015 (On Kim Davis’ refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples)

    Kim Davis has every right to say this should be a religious accommodation. I think that’s something that [the Kentucky] governor can do within his own conscience.42

    Donald Trump

    February 2000

    [A]mending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans – it’s only fair.43

    September 2015 (On Kim Davis’ refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples)

    You have to go with it. The decision’s been made, and that is the law of the land.44

    September 2015 (On Kim Davis’ refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples)

    I would say the simple answer is let her clerks do it. Now from what I understand she’s not letting the clerks do it either. The other simple answer is rather than going through this—because it’s really a very, very sticky situation and terrible situation—30 miles away they have other places, they have many other places where you get licensed. And you have them actually quite nearby, that’s another alternative.45


    1. Matt Wilstein, “Jeb Bush Distances Himself from 20-Year-Old Comments About ‘Sodomy’,” Mediaite, Mediaite, LLC, http://www.mediaite.com/online/jeb-bush-distances-himself-from-20-year-old-comments-about-sodomy/.
    2. Todd Beamon and John Bachman, “Jeb Bush: States Should Decide Gay Marriage,” NEWSMAX.COM Newsmax Media, Inc, http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/bush-states-decide-gay/2013/03/25/id/496258/?utm_source=huffingtonpost.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign= pubexchange_article.
    3. Marc Caputo, “On same-sex marriage and gay adoption, Jeb Bush says he “respects” court decisions,” MiamiHerald.com, Miami Herald, http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2015/01/on-same-sex-marriage-and-gay-adoption-jeb-bush-says-he-respects-court-decisions.html.
    4. Ibid.
    5. Jeb Bush, “Statement: Governor Jeb Bush on Today’s Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage,” Jeb2016.com, Jeb 2016, Inc, “http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2015/01/on-same-sex-marriage-and-gay-adoption-jeb-bush-says-he-respects-court-decisions.html.
    6. Dr. Ben Carson’s personal Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/realbencarson/posts/439171262916012.
    7. Steve Deace, “Exclusive: 10 Questions with Dr. Ben Carson,” Conservative Review, CRTV LLC, https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2015/05/exclusive-ten-questions-with-dr-ben-carson.
    8. Thomson/Reuters, “Carson, Conservatives: SCOTUS Has To Protect Religious Beliefs,” NEWSMAX.COM Newsmax Media, Inc, http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/carson-huckabee-gay-marriage/2015/06/26/id/652379/.
    9. Matt Arco, “Chris Christie says gay marriage should not be ‘imposed from the U.S. Supreme Court’,” nj.com, New Jersey On-Line LLC, http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2014/10/chris_christie_says_gay_ marriage_should_not_be_imposed_from_the_us_supreme_court.html.
    10. Jonathan Topaz and Nick Gass, “Republican presidential candidates condemn gay-marriage ruling,” POLITICO, POLITICO LLC, http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/2016-candidates-react-supreme-court-gay-marriage-ruling-119466.
    11. Jake Miller, “Ted Cruz talks guns, same-sex marriage, Obamacare with Jay Leno,” CBS News, CBS Interactive Inc., http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ted-cruz-talks-guns-same-sex-marriage-obamacare-with-jay-leno/.
    12. Ted Cruz, “Allowing Lower Court Rulings on Same-Sex Marriage to Stand is ‘Tragic and Indefensible,’ and ‘Judicial Activism at its Worst’,” cruz.senate.gov, Ted Cruz, http://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=1777.
    13. Ibid.
    14. Adam B. Lerner, “Ted Cruz: States should ignore gay-marriage ruling,” POLITICO, POLITICO LLC, http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/ted-cruz-gay-marriage-ruling-reaction-npr-interview-119559.
    15. Ibid.
    16. Ted Cruz, “Constitutional Remedies to a Lawless Supreme Court,” National Review, http://www.nationalreview.com/article/420409/ted-cruz-supreme-court-constitutional-amendment.
    17. Jonathan Topaz and Nick Gass, “Republican presidential candidates condemn gay-marriage ruling,” POLITICO, POLITICO LLC, http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/2016-candidates-react-supreme-court-gay-marriage-ruling-119466.
    18. Lindsey Graham, “Sen. Graham’s statement on today’s Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage,” LindseyGraham.com, Lindsey Graham 2016, http://www.lindseygraham.com/2015/06/26/sen-graham-statement-on-todays-supreme-court-ruling-on-same-sex-marriage/.
    19. Conservative Review, CRTV LLC, https://www.conservativereview.com/2016-presidential-candidates/candidates/mike-huckabee#article-12.
    20. Anugrah Kumar, “Mike Huckabee Says Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling ‘Has Left Christians With No Choice but to Follow God or Civil Law’,” The Christian Post, The Christian Post, INC., http://www.christianpost.com/news/mike-huckabee-says-supreme-courts-gay-marriage-ruling-has-left-christians-with-no-choice-but-to-follow-god-or-civil-law-140944/.
    21. Ibid.
    22. The Kelly File, “Mike Huckabee on why faith will be a major issue in 2016,” FOX News, FOX News Network, LLC, http://video.foxnews.com/v/4485194990001/mike-huckabee-on-why-faith-will-be-a-major-issue-in-2016/?playlist_id=2694949842001#sp=show-clips.
    23. T. Becket Adams, “Bobby Jindal: I agree with Ted Cruz on gay marriage,” The Washington Examiner, MediaDC, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/bobby-jindal-i-agree-with-ted-cruz-on-gay-marriage/article/2554516.
    24. Nora Kelly and Emma Roller, “What 2016 Candidates Are Saying About the Gay Marriage Ruling,” National Journal, http://www.nationaljournal.com/twentysixteen/2015/06/26/What-2016-Candidates-Are-Saying-About-Gay-Marriage-Ruling?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_content=buffer7dbbe&utm_medium=social&utm _campaign=buffer.
    25. Shawna Thomas, “Jindal: Louisiana Will ‘Comply’ With Same-Sex Marriage Ruling,” NBC NEWS, NBCNEWS.COM, http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/jindal-louisiana-will-comply-same-sex-marriage-ruling-n383381.
    26. Ibid.
    27. Ibid.
    28. Andrew Romano, “Could John Kasich be the GOP’s secret weapon in 2016? At least John Kasich thinks so,” Yahoo News, Yahoo! Inc., https://www.yahoo.com/politics/could-john-kasich-be-the-gops-secret-weapon-in-114430626841.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma.
    29. Samantha-Jo Roth, “John Kasich Says He’ll ‘Abide By’ Supreme Court’s Upcoming Gay Marriage Decision,” The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc., http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/24/john-kasich-gay-marriage_n_7657778.html.
    30. Nora Kelly and Emma Roller, “What 2016 Candidates Are Saying About the Gay Marriage Ruling,” National Journal, http://www.nationaljournal.com/twentysixteen/2015/06/26/What-2016-Candidates-Are-Saying-About-Gay-Marriage-Ruling?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_content=buffer7dbbe&utm_medium=social&utm _campaign=buffer.
    31. David Weigel, “Rand Paul and the ‘Moral Crisis’ of Gay Marriage: A Timeline,” Bloomberg Politics, Bloomberg L.P., http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-03-29/rand-paul-and-the-moral-crisis-of-gay-marriage-a-timeline.
    32. Chris Wallace, “Sen. Rand Paul on top congressional issues; pivotal moment in the battle over gay marriage,” FOX News, FOX News Network, LLC, http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/fox-news-sunday-chris-wallace/2013/03/24/sen-rand-paul-top-congressional-issues-pivotal-moment-battle-over-gay-marriage#p//v/2250608088001.
    33. Aaron Blake, “Rand Paul: GOP needs to ‘agree to disagree’ on social issues,” The Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2014/03/14/rand-paul-gop-needs-to-agree-to-disagree-on-social-issues/.
    34. Sen. Rand Paul, “Rand Paul: Government Should Get Out of the Marriage Business Altogether,” Time, Time Inc., http://time.com/3939374/rand-paul-gay-marriage-supreme-court/.
    35. Ibid.
    36. Burgess Everett, “Rubio dives into gay marriage debate,” Politico, POLITICO LLC, http://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/marco-rubio-gay-marriage-debate-109300.
    37. Ibid.
    38. Marco Rubio, “Rubio: Court Decision Short Circuits Political Process,” rubio.senate.gov, http://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=1622381c-1b1f-494d-9aee-78e0f4a5012c.
    39. Peter Holley, “Santorum on Bruce Jenner: ‘If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman’,” The Morning Call, Tribune Publishing, http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-santorum-bruce-jenner-20150503-story.html.
    40. Jonathan Topaz and Nick Gass, “Republican presidential candidates condemn gay-marriage ruling,” POLITICO, POLITICO LLC, http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/2016-candidates-react-supreme-court-gay-marriage-ruling-119466.
    41. Chad Merda, “Santorum: Supreme Court rulings aren’t ‘law of the land’,” National Sun Times, Sun Times Network, http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/1955167/won-tuesdays-debate-isis-says-curt-schilling/.
    42. Ibid.
    43. Emma Margolin, “Is Donald Trump 2016’s most LGBT-friendly Republican?,” MSNBC, NBC UNIVERSAL, http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/donald-trump-2016s-most-lgbt-friendly-republican.
    44. Tom LoBianco, “Donald Trump on Kentucky clerk: Same-sex marriage the ‘law of the land’,” CNN Politics, Cable News Network, http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/04/politics/donald-trump-gay-marriage-kentucky-clerk-kim-davis/.
    45. Ibid.

  • About the author: Defending Marriage Staff

    Defending Marriage is a ministry of Hope Baptist Church that documents the breaking news, tracks the persecution and provides the biblical arguments surrounding the debate over the definition of marriage. You can sign up for email updates from Defending Marriage here.