• Alabama Pastors:  Battle for Marriage Is Not Over

    Sanctity of Marriage Alabama - June 29, 2015

    MONTGOMERY, AL (June 29, 2015) - In the wake of Friday’s Supreme Court decision on marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges, Alabama pastors and leaders say the battle for marriage is not over. Around fifty Alabama pastors, elected officials, and organization leaders held a press conference this morning at the Alabama Judicial Building.

    Speakers affirmed that God is still God, that marriage is still between one man and one woman, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope for this nation, and that they will obey God rather than men in the days to come.

    “Last Friday, five unelected and unaccountable justices imposed their will on the people of Alabama and the United States,” Commissioner Chip Beeker said, “this was an assault on God, on Christian heritage, and on our culture.”

    Colonel John Eidsmoe represented the Montgomery-based Foundation for Moral Law. “The result,” of the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell he said, “constitutes an illegitimate means, of reaching an unconstitutional decision, to create an invalid institution, to further the perpetration of immoral acts.” After the Court’s ruling, twenty-five days are given in which motions for a rehearing can be filed. “We have legislators who wish to be involved,” Eidsmoe continued, “We have other branches of government. We have probate judges who wish to stand up for what is right.” The Supreme Court is not final.

    Dr. John Killian, pastor at Maytown Baptist Church, thanked God for judges like Judge Wes Allen, Judge Nick Williams and others, “who are willing to do what is right and keep their counties from marrying that which God says cannot be married.”

    Executive Director of the Alabama Citizen’s Action Program, Dr. Joe Godfrey, warned of the coming persecution from LGBT activist groups and big corporations towards Christians: “The pressure is going to come from those who have the power to wield the money. … Unless we make some laws that protect the rights of citizens to practice their religious beliefs, we’re going to see a day when Christians are excluded from the business community, excluded from serving in public office, excluded from every realm of society.”

    In light of the U.S. Department of Education’s celebratory rainbow logo, Rev. Tommy Littleton warned Christian parents about the perverted LGBT agenda’s “sexual liberation theology” being forced on children through the government school system. “It is not deceitful,” he said, “to inject into this climate some reality, and facts, and background that everybody needs to know.” Tom Ford asked, “If we send our children to public schools, where the law requires teachers to promote homosexuality and ignore God, why are we surprised when they graduate approving of homosexuality and rejecting the faith?” “Protecting our children,” Littleton said, “that is the human rights issue of the era.”

    Becky Gerritson, President of the Wetumpka Tea Party, raised concerns about the Pandora’s Box Obergefell opened by establishing precedent for legalizing any relationship based merely on “equality” and “love”: “Why not three men? Why not two men and a woman? Why not a man and a child?,” she asked. “I have serious and grave concerns for our country, for our children, and for our loved ones. Have compassion on those people who are future victims from this decision,” Gerritson said.

    The speakers agreed that Christians must answer the coming onslaught with prayer, with the Gospel and with courage to stand on God’s Word and the law of our land at home, at church, at work, and in the public square.

    “Pray daily that God would send a mighty revival that would change the perspective of our land,” said Dr. John Killian, and, “On a micro-level, our families need to teach our families, our churches need to teach our churches. Let’s build a culture that opposes this practice and that upholds traditional marriage.”

    Rev. Tommy Littleton said, “I don’t think Jesus ever met a sinner He didn’t love. I’ve never met a gay person I didn’t love. It is not hate speech to speak the truth.”

    Asked if he had a message to the homosexuals who received licenses this week, Dr. Joe Godfrey said, “God loves you. He offers salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Just because you got a certification that by the state’s standards legalized your sinful behavior, that doesn’t make it right.” “Our call,” Dr. Tom Ford said, “is for all of us to repent and to turn from our own sinful lifestyles and take on the lifestyle of Jesus Christ.” “The church is not a museum of saints,” Commissioner Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh said, “it is a congregation of sinners that have said, ‘I am a sinner but I have turned away from that sin and followed the blood of Christ.’”

    Quoting Bonhoeffer, William Green, minister at Fresh Anointing House of Worship and Candidate for City Council said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” “This is not the time to be silent,” he said. Addressing the possibility of losing your job – while trying to pay off mortgages, college, etc., Green asked, “What is your thirty pieces of silver?”

    Unknowing of what the future may hold, speakers were adamant that Christians will stand unswervingly on God’s Word and are compelled to “obey God rather than men” when there is conflict between the laws of men and the laws of God. “It is for us to be faithful and with God’s help we will continue to be faithful even unto death,” Col. John Eidsmoe said. “During times of great persecution, God’s Word is spread the most. Be encouraged. Stay Strong,” said William Green.

  • About the author: Sanctity of Marriage Alabama

    Sanctity of Marriage Alabama is a grassroots organization that has mobilized thousands of Alabama citizens to stand with God’s Word and the law of the land for marriage between one man and one woman. Find out more on their Facebook page: Sanctity of Marriage Alabama.