• ‘Alabama for Marriage’ Rally Draws Hundreds to Montgomery

    Sanctity of Marriage Alabama - June 09, 2015

    As the Supreme Court prepares to rule on marriage any day, hundreds of Christians gathered on the Alabama Capitol steps Saturday to affirm God’s definition of marriage between one man and one woman. Sanctity of Marriage Alabama organized the event. American and Alabama flags and signs abounded as over 800 citizens braved the 94-degree weather at the state Capital. The rally is one of a series of local events involving thousands of Alabama citizens, and public officials throughout the state leading up to June 6th.

    “Let’s state the obvious: It’s hot!,” Dr. Tom Ford began. “Let’s state another obvious. Marriage is between one man and one woman!”

    “We’re fighting for our children and their children,” said Representative Will Ainsworth, “let us resolve today to leave our children that moral and shining city on a hill…and let’s get Christ back into the center of the argument.”

    Colonel John Eidsmoe, Legal Counsel at the Foundation for Moral Law, stated that under the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution and the 10th Amendment, power over marriage is reserved to the states since the Constitution is silent on the issue.

    The speakers agreed: the LGBT agenda is not really about marriage, love, civil rights, or our law. Congressman Gary Palmer stated, “When you see people trying to force Islamic clerics to perform same-sex marriage, it might be a war on religion, but right now it’s a war on Christianity.” “We’ve got to be willing to stand up and testify to the truth of the Gospel, with love in our hearts and with the courage not to back down.”

    Kayla Moore, wife of Chief Justice Roy Moore and president of the Foundation for Moral Law drew loud cheers from the crowd, when she applauded the Supreme Court of Alabama, saying, “We are the only state in the Union that has stopped federal courts from mandating same-sex marriage….While other officials did nothing, our Supreme Court in Alabama stood.” “Chief Justice Moore is not here,” she continued, “It’s called judicial ethics - something that Ruth Bader-Ginsburg needs to learn.”

    Dr. Joe Godfrey, Executive Director at Alabama Citizens’ Action Program said that God defines marriage throughout the Bible as between one man and one woman and that all sex outside of marriage is sin.

    “God defines love,” said Pastor Aaron Motley, and “when man redefines love and gives it a new definition it is called a perversion - your personal version.”

    Eunie Smith, President of Alabama’s Eagle Forum warned parents about the dangerous LGBT agenda infiltrating our public schools. She said about the Counseling Model associated with Common Core, “One of the program’s goals is to measure and change attitudes, values and beliefs. Now, aren’t those the purview of the family?...So, just as important as protecting our youth from destructive agendas, is preparing them with a Christian worldview.”

    William Green thanked the thirty atheist and homosexual protesters for coming while the crowd shared water bottles with them. As an African-American who remembers Jim Crow Alabama, he was clear: “…no one has ever come out of the closet as black or white. The only things that come out of the closet are choices.” “Many Christians have been bullied to remain silent,” he said. Quoting Bonhoeffer, he continued, “’Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.’”

    Dr. John Killian, exhorted the crowd to pray, saying, “Remember that there is a God in heaven who rules and reigns!”

    Speakers called on Christians to pray, to stand strong, to get involved and to repent of their own sin. “We have a problem,” Bishop Kyle Searcy said. “We’re all sinners and God is just.” But, he continued, “We have a Savior [Jesus Christ] that died for sin.

    Nick Williams quoted Joshua 24:15, “Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” saying that Christians have no choice but to obey God when men’s laws conflict with God’s laws, “regardless of the consequences.”

    Tom Ford, closed the event saying, “What can we do? It starts in our hearts. God calls us to repentance…He wants your heart. He wants my heart. Open the Bible before your children and say, ‘this is the Word of God, this is the righteous standard, this is what we want to live by.’” God works in, “one heart at a time, one household at a time, one church at a time.

    Reprinted with permission from Sanctity of Marriage Alabama.

  • About the author: Sanctity of Marriage Alabama

    Sanctity of Marriage Alabama is a grassroots organization that has mobilized thousands of Alabama citizens to stand with God’s Word and the law of the land for marriage between one man and one woman. Find out more on their Facebook page: Sanctity of Marriage Alabama.